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The Trade Americas Franchising Regional Working Group is pleased to present this document

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The Australian franchise sector is a large, highly- sophisticated industry, contributing approximately 14 percent to the nation’s GDP
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Franchising as a business model remains a relatively small factor in the Austrian economy,accounting for an estimated five to ten percent of retail sales. 
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The global economic uncertainty brought jitters to investors and scared away some of the foreign franchisors that planned to come to Bulgaria. 
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Canada has the world’s second largest franchise industry. Franchises benefit from the high number of Canadianswho travel to the United States
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Central America has been a good marketplace for U.S. franchises in the past, and continues to offer opportunities for well-known franchise concepts. 
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In 2009, the franchise industry in Chile registered sales of US$ 627 million. The first U.S. franchise concepts to arrive in Chile, in the late 80s, were McDonald, Pizza Hut, and Kentucky Fried Chicken. 
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Franchising is slowly gaining importance in Colombia as a marketing system. The Colombian market, which encourages foreign investment and international trade
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Franchising in Croatia is yet to develop, but there is a strong ongoing initiative to promote the advantages of this business concept. 
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After several years of continuous growth, the franchising sector slowed down in the Dominican Republic due to the economic crisis in 2003; however
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The franchise industry in Ecuador has been growing steadily at a rate higher than the growth of the gross domestic product (GDP)
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Despite several years of continuous growth, the popularity of franchise business concepts continues in Honduras, especially in the fast food and casual dining sectors. 
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Over the last decade U.S. fast food franchises have flourished, with at least 10 U.S. franchises in Iceland today.
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The franchising industry is in its early stage of development in India though it is increasingly becoming a popular business model. 
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Indonesia offers excellent market potential for franchising, a business concept that began to gain widespread popularity in the country in the early 1990s
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Franchising is still an underdeveloped sector in Italy. Compared to most other European countries, Italy has fewer U.S. franchise brands. 
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Franchising is a relatively new business concept in Kazakhstan and is currently not leveraged to its full extent. 
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Malaysia is one of Southeast Asia’s fastest growing franchise markets. With support from the Government of Malaysia
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Despite the challenging economic climate, last year the franchise industry in Mexico grew 14%. Conservative estimates indicate that this sector will grow at least 10 percent in 2009. 
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Although franchising in Morocco started in the 60’s, it has only flourished during the last 15 years to become a real investment fashion among middle-age entrepreneurs. 
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Nigeria is a growth market for U.S. franchising and franchise development services. There are opportunities for both business format and product or trademark franchising. 
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The concept of franchising has gained wide acceptance in Pakistan. Major U.S. franchise operations in Pakistan include Pizza Hut, KFC
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Panama’s franchising sector is very dynamic and offers excellent opportunities for U.S. franchisors. 
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The Peruvian market for franchising continues to grow and is presently composed of approximately 100 different franchises, with some 1,000 outlets.
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The beauty care franchise sector is underdeveloped in Poland and therefore may have potential for the U.S. franchises. 

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Saudi Arabia is the largest market in the Middle East with the fastest growing economy in the region. 
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Singapore consumers enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world, with a per capita Gross Domestic Product of over US$35,000. 
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Korea’s franchising industry has developed rapidly in the last several years, led primarily by fast food restaurant chains.
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The outlook of the Franchise sector for 2009 in Spain is that it will be a very challenging year to introduce new franchises.
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