Directory Franchise World Printing Franchises
175,000 PHP (Philippine Peso)
The Ads Placemat is the most affordable and cost effective form of advertising that exists. It is a functional advertising medium that is custom designed to fit a venue of your choice.

No other form of advertising can convey information and publicity to people over such a long period of time, consciously and subconsciously. It allows you to directly target your preferred market at a time when your intended targets are relaxed and free to absorb whatever you want to sell them.

Think about the last time you were in a diner. When you looked around, who did you see? Business people meeting over lunch; Friends sharing a cup of coffee; Mom, dad and the kids having Sunday breakfast; Couples on a date grabbing a bite to eat before the movie; A professional couple meeting for a quick dinner after a long day at work; Seniors catching the early bird special; Do any of these patron-individuals meet your potential client profile?

If you answered yes, then you need to learn more about Rabbit Advertising’s Ads Placemats. Placemats offer you the opportunity to reach hundreds, if not thousands, of potential customers each week. This is a low-cost, yet long-term method of reaching your target market in a relaxed, low-pressure environment.
Franchise Fee :
  • A – Php 600,000
  • B – Php 400,000
  • C – Php 300,000
  • D – Php 175,000
Inclusive of :
  • Trade name and proprietary marks
  • Operations Manual
  • Research and Development
  • Training
  • Initial stocks on calling cards and letterheads
  • Franchise term : 5 years; renewal
  • Royalty: none
  • Continuation fee : Php 10,000 per year
  • Total initial investment : Franchise fee + Php 570,000
  • Required space : 30 sqm.
ContactRK Franchise Consultancy
3860 Judge C. Salvador St., Forest Hills, Banawa, Cebu City
Mobile+63 02 995-0734 / 912-2973 , +63 02 238-3933 / 416-9434
Information as 17 December 2020 
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