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Aqila Course – Bimbel SD, SMP & SMA
Aqila Course offers franchise / waralaba / business opportunity in Indonesia in Education Industry, especially in Courses / Bimbingan Belajar SD, SMP & SMA. Aqila Course opening Business Opportunity for people who want to open Course Business (for student or recently graduated or who have a vision of business in your future).
20,000,000 IDR (Indonesian Rupiah)
Business Opportunity Package :
  1. Waralaba Package 1Aqila Course name, obtain rights to use the module and whole-class media and maple. Valid for 1 year and only for one branch. We offer a price of Rp 2.000.000.
  2. Waralaba Package 2 (Full)Course name according to your wishes + support by AqilaCourse. We offer with price Rp 4.000.000 per year.
  3. Waralaba Package 3 (Share Profit)
Provide such facility like Package 2, but the course name must follow our name or your course name supported by AqilaCourse elementary, junior high and high school. AqilaCourse with the slogan More than just tutoring, because we are more concerned. Sharing system that we offer is 10% of gross profit. Signing and willing to provide profit-sharing
each month at stamped agreement letter (we determines the content) download + copy of ID card.

ContactHerlina Bayu Purbosari
Tanjunganom Banjarnegoro Mertoyudan, Magelang, Central Java
Mobile+62 085640451319
Information as 12 Febuary 2021 
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