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Enopi Learning Center
Enopi provides Franchise / Waralaba in Education Industry in many countries, including Indonesia. They offer many education programs such as Enopi Math, English, and Korean.
500,000,000 IDR (Indonesian Rupiah)
Enopi provides Franchise / Waralaba in Education Industry in many countries, including Indonesia. They offer many education programs such as Enopi Math, English, and Korean.

The E.nopi program is designed to expand students’ perspectives by encouraging them to become self-motivated, independent, and proactive learners and allowing them to be at the core of all learning activities.

The ‘E’ in E.nopi represents “Empowering Students to learn independently and proactively’
- Education Service Provider
- Education at student eye level

The primary aim of standard, school-based educational systems is to provide a general base of knowledge and skills that all students should possess. The E.nopi program supplements this fundamental learning experience by preparing students for school classes and helping them to achieve maximum benefit from their academic practices. E.nopi encourages students to acquire self-motivation, independence, and proactive learning methods by placing them at the center of all learning activities.

ContactEnopi Indonesia
Ruko Multiguna Bintaro 8B, Bintaro Sektor 3A, South Jakarta.
Information as 11 Febuary 2021 
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