Directory Franchise World Education Franchises
For the past 33 years, the Sacred Heart School has provided children with a holistic approach to preparatory education, covering the cognitive as well as spiritual, social, and physical development of each child. Other services offered include: Daycare, Kumon math and English, Arts and Crafts, Tutorials, Afternoon activities, Mandarin and Japanese languages, Martial Arts and Ballet.

Sacred Heart School (SHS) is unique in that it integrates the basic caring and nurturing inherent in mothers into its system of education. It places prime importance in motherhood’s role in the progress of a child and aims to supply the same motherly concern and attention to their students even in an academic setting. The school now has 9 branches all over the country, each offering the same brand of instruction and training that is uniquely SHS.
Today, we’re looking for business associates who can give the same kind of commitment towards management of the pre-school and the caring of children’s heart and spirit. We’re seeking investors who have the vision and the resources to think of the pre-school as a profitable business.

We’re searching for franchise partners who are ready and willing to enter a mutually beneficial relationship. We’re looking for morally upright people with sound Catholic backgrounds – our cornerstone for the pre-school is value formation.

If you are that partner, with the Sacred Heart Pre-school, you’ll have the opportunity to mold young minds while at the same time be able to earn for yourself. When you become a Sacred Heart School franchise-holder, we’ll help you put in place the mechanisms that have made our school the success it is today.

What We Provide
  • Experienced Management
    • Behind you will be our decades of experience in ownership and management that has been successful in technology transfer.
  • Manualized Transfer
    • Over the years, we’ve documented our best systems into a Franchisee’s guide. No more reinventing. The guide ensures the success of our business relationship.
  • Education and Training
    • Our in-place training programs will provide your key personnel with the know-how to effectively and efficiently run the business.
  • Site Selection and Facility Design
    • We can assist you in choosing the most advantageous site based on demographic studies and other criteria vital to the success of our pre-school.
Franchising Support
  • Operations
    • We’ll provide assistance in all phases prior to Franchise branch opening. The support is an on-going concern of the whole Franchise Organization. Periodic evaluation and recommendations help all Franchise branches pursue the right course and directions in making operations run smoothly and effectively.
  • Marketing
    • Yearly, a system wide comprehensive marketing plan is formulated to optimize the Sacred heart Schools’ positioning in the market. Assistance is likewise provided at development of local marketing programs specific to the branch.
  • Research and Development
    • Constant research and development maintains the Sacred Heart School advantage. Areas include the curriculum, audio visual, educational trends and specialized courses for children and other services. Testing of innovation methods and courses are undertaken to determine market acceptance before they are launched system wide.
  • Open Communication
    • We encourage constant dialogue with the Franchisees to develop our business relationships. Regular meetings are held for sharing and evaluating opportunities to improve over-all performance of branches and the system
Franchise Fee : P1.2 million
2/F Bonifacio Technology Center Building, Bonifacio Global City, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig, Metro Manila,
Mobile(632) 815.3607; 813-0670 / 817-2279
Information as 11 Febuary 2021 
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