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Park Lane Jewellery
(Park Lane Jewellery)
“World's Largest Direct Sales Jewellery Company”
Pioneer in the direct sales industry for 60 years in the USA, Park Lane Jewellery has begun to search for experienced Direct Sales Leaders interested in becoming Development Partners with Park Lane.

Park Lane's core US business distinguishes Park Lane as the largest Jewellery Direct Sales company in the World with over 40,000 active leaders and Fashion Directors all serviced directly from Park Lane's corporate headquarters in Schaumburg, Illinois. Park Lane's international development strategy involves the appointment of Developmental Partners who can replicate Park Lane's US success in their home countries.

Park Lane and the Levin family have created a means for others around the World to partner and create wealth for themselves, and others, via an amazing turn-key franchise opportunity. With the right people, the success of our worldwide Development Partners thus far has been of epic proportions.

From the very beginning of the process, through launch and initial weeks of business operation, Park Lane supports your new franchise. With both direct contact to key individuals at the US Home Office, and personal contact and installation with Park Lane's Executive support staff. 
Fashion Jewelry, home-based business, reward program, E! Live from the Red Carpet jewelry line.
  • Amazing turn-key business, and best wealth building model in the Direct Sales Industry
  • No inventory of products - 100% fabrication done prior to delivery
  • Extremely strong backing of franchisor with a 60 year track record
  • Strong corporate and IT support system in virtual web based environment
  • Minimal start-up costs with primarily all variable expenses
  • Jewellery easiest to sell, and US designed products in great demand
  • Strong US branding with entertainment & media stars
Park Lane Jewellery Development Partner Profile
  • Commitment - Must embrace the Park Lane vision, mission and core values and must have a clear understanding of the mutual goals and commitments necessary to achieve success. Additionally a Park Lane Development Partner must be highly motivated and passionate about the Park Lane jewellery products and business model and willing to commit the necessary time and resources to successfully develop, manage and promote the business and products.
  • Type of Company/Individual - Typically has an established and successful history in the direct selling industry and understands and appreciates the dynamics of the direct selling business and is willing to apply its accrued direct selling management and marketing expertise to the development and promotion of Park Lane. Companies/individuals with a strong marketing and retail oriented background can also become Park Lane Development Partners provided that they believe in the Park Lane jewellery products, are interested in diversifying into the direct selling business and are willing to make the necessary commitment to develop and promote the business and products.
  • Image & Reputation - Must have a good public image and a reputation for honesty and integrity in dealing with; 1) partners and associates; 2) employees; 3) suppliers & service providers; 4) customers; and 5) the public in general. This image is indispensable in establishing the Park Lane business.
  • Financial Capability - Must have sufficient capital to obtain the initial development rights and to develop, manage and promote Park Lane either by way of sufficient cash on hand or by having the necessary banking relationships to obtain any additional financing required. As part of the Park Lane Development Partner application/evaluation process a candidate must establish that it has or has access to sufficient capital.
  • Attitude of PL DP - Must be convinced that the Park Lane products and business model has significant growth potential and that the Park Lane products and systems are essential to achievement of their personal/professional goals and the success of the business. While the Park Lane direct selling business model offers freedom and flexibility not found in most other businesses the acquisition of Park Lane development rights is a serious commitment and will require the direct and active involvement and support of the Park Lane Development Partner and a full on commitment from its direct selling team.
The Park Lane Development Partner opportunity benefits include :
  • Park Lane Jewellery established in 1955, and is the largest Direct Sales jewellery company in the world.
  • Amazing turn-key business, and best wealth building model in the Industry
  • No inventory of products - 100% fabrication done prior to delivery
  • Strong corporate and IT support system in virtual web based environment
  • Minimal start-up costs with mostly all variable expenses
  • Park Lane jewellery products are the easiest to sell and are always in great demand
  • Proven core programs, that as part of the overall business plan, support quick and exponential growth of the business
As Development Partners, our proven methods of success as shared with you every step of the way.
  • Initial in-country development training and support
  • Two yearly International Conventions for training & recognition
ContactPark Lane Jewellery
100 Commerce Dr, Schaumburg, Illinois 60173
Mobile+1 800-621-0088
Information as 10 August 2020 
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