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Honey Hut Natural Products Pvt. Ltd.
Honey Hut is a unique concept store of honey and honey based products (eatables to cosmetics) for environmental friendly customers. Its the first Honey concept store in the country.
Honey Hut - The nature's cafe', is a unique concept cafe chain conceptualized by a group of professionals and environmentalists, devoted to protect and enrich our natural wealth. Our products are Eco - friendly, natural and confirm to world's best quality standard. One can find a variety of honey based products ranging from food, body care to therapeutics, all under one roof. With extremely stylish interiors, the store presents maximum comfort for all-young or old, family or friends. And to sum it all, Honey Hut is exactly what we need in today's health conscious society - a place where food is what it's supposed to be - Delicious and Healthy.The Honey hut project belives in promoting only eco-friendly products and is dedicated to all nature lovers.
ContactHoney Hut Natural Products Pvt. Ltd.
Mobile0120-4229989, 4247732
Information as 23 November 2020 
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