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Gasoline Service Franchising Nationwide!
300,000 PHP (Philippine Peso)
Power Fill offers the chance to fulfill that dream, that is, to have a successful business of our very own. And what better business to have, than to have a gasoline station of your own! It was observed that existing gas stations are mostly located in major roads and highways. Power Fill saw the need to bring the gas stations closer to the consumer and offer them more affordable but the same high-quality fuel. Power Fill’s best weapon is its new ideas in doing business. These new ideas mean bigger profit to its partners.

Normally, gas station dealers only earn an average of P1.00 to P2.00, with Power Fill, they can earn much more! To do this, Power Fill now employs new but proven concepts on where to find the best location, the right amount of money to invest and the right system of doing business for optimum profitability. The top management consists of people who belong to an organization called MENSA, a group of individuals with very high 10. They have studied the gasoline station operation for over a decade and are now ready to share what they have learned to those willing to become their partners.

Potential partners are sure to earn much than like-concept business. The first Power Fill outlet started operation in October 2009. It is located in Barangay Caniogan, City of Malolos. Many were surprised and skeptical Why a gas station was put up there since it was located in a street that is not a major highway. However, the concept was a success that every year, a new outlet is being built.

FEES : Php 300,000.00
Inclusive of :
  • Use of Trademark
  • Site approval
  • Training for Dealer and Staff
  • Opening assistance
  • Operations manual on loan
Initial Term : 10 years
Renewal term : 10 years

Renewal fee : Php 50,000.00
Required space :
A. Regular Station: at least 200 square meters
B. Mini-Station: at least 100 square meters
C. Gas ng Bayan: at least 20 square meters

Capital Requirement :
A. Php 2,500,000 (estimate) ***
B. Php 1,500,000 (estimate)
C. Php 888,000

***capital investment depends on area size and station design
Mobile0915-5476937, 094208076937, 0917-9566969
Information as 4 Febuary 2021 
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