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Waroeng Starduck – Bebek Peking
Waroeng Starduck – Bebek Peking offers Franchise / Waralaba in Indonesia in Food and Beverages Industry, especially in Peking Ducks Products. Founded in 2007 now already have many outlets around Indonesia.

90,000,000 IDR (Indonesian Rupiah)

Waroeng Starduck franchise is very flexible and very affordable cost, for beginners as well as professional business people, no fee, royalties and other costs, the essence of management will help Waroeng Starduck Bandung together for those of you who are interested in using this Waroeng Starduck flag, before correctly enforce the provisions of the franchise terms.
To ensure the quality and quantity of supply of Peking Ducks raw materials, Waroeng starduck raise ducks themselves in an integrated way, with more pressure on the quality of meat, by feeding organic, without the use of drugs of chemical.

  • Baked Peking Ducks
  • Peking Ducks Satay
  • Duck Spaghetti
  • Other Duck’s Food

Franchise Opportunity
  1. Kaki Lima Package (call for negotiation)
  2. Middle Concept Franchise (call for negotiation)
  3. Master Franchise (call for negotiation)
ContactBudi Setiawan
Jl. Arta Bahana 14c Cibaligo Cihanjuang, West Bandung, Indonesia
Mobile+62 0857 93240892
Information as 10 September 2020 
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