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Bakmi Tebet
Bakmi Tebet / Bakmi Langgara gives Franchise / Waralaba in Indonesia in Noodles Industry. Founded in 2002, Bakmi Tebet have many noodles menu such as bakso noodle, chicken noodle, surabaya noodle, tek-tek noodle, and instant noodle.
100,000,000 THB (Thailand)

BEP : 1.5 – 2 Years

Bakmi Tebet use special recipe for the noodles. For franchisee, the ingredients all come from the main branch in Jakarta. Besides all of the above recipes, now Bakmi Golek also offer Hotplate noodle, Seafood noodle, I Fu Mie, bakmi goreng siram, bakmi basah, etc.
Bakmi tebet offers new taste on their noodles, the Resto with red-painted wall and good room decoration make bakmi tebet favourable to their customers. If you want to be their franchisee, you can contact them directly for the detailed franchise opportunities in Noodle Industry.

Franchise Investment : Rp. 100 Million

Jl. Ikan Paus I Blok E/18 Jatibening Bekasi.
Mobile021 – 847 0167
Fax.021 – 847 0167
Information as 22 September 2020 
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